Saturday, October 12, 2013

University Students should wear Uniforms.It will save them Time & Money.

Should university students wear uniforms?
This is a contentious and much debated topic amongst the academia and other social circles. Be it in Pakistan, or around the world, this idea has been discussed multiple times and on different forums. However, I feel that university students should definitely wear uniforms, and here are a few reasons why:
Saving money
An average student spends around Rs50,000 a year on clothes for university. Having a couple of uniforms instead of fashion statement clothes for the university will not amount to more than Rs10,000 per year. This means that an average of Rs40,000 can be saved per student. Multiply this by a 1,000 students and we are saving a huge bundle by simply enforcing uniforms. The students can pool in the savings and set up other state-of-the-art facilities, like food courts or better labs.
Less time consuming
A boy who studies at a university spends about 20 minutes to get ready in the morning, and most of this time is spent in selecting an outfit. The same goes for the girls who end up wasting at least 30 minutes in getting dressed. Having a uniform would mean that each university student would save, on average, at least 15 minutes per day, which now they can consume doing something constructive instead, like spending some quality time with their parents before leaving or having a proper breakfast instead of rushing out the door.
Physical fitness
Considering how unflattering most uniforms are and what a poor job they do in camouflaging curves and flab, students will have to work much harder to look good in their uniforms. This means students will be spending more hours in the gym now, causing the rates of Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension, Cardiac diseases and other obesity-related problems to decrease.
No room for excuses
In cases where teachers and students indulge in illicit affairs, the usual answer brought forth by teachers, after being questioned, is,
‘Oh, I didn’t know he/she was a student. I thought he/she was a colleague.’
When the student is in a uniform, this excuse will no longer remain valid.
Research polls
Though no survey on this topic has been done in Pakistan, in Thailand a Suan Dusit poll conducted just last week (September 14-17, 2013) showed that 94.4% of 1,293 university students in greater Bangkok think uniforms are “necessary” to maintain order and their identity. 70.96% think they should wear the uniform everyday while they attend classes. So if they are okay with it, what issues do we have?
A symbol of being a student
Often when I am standing behind someone in a line, I have heard the teller ask for a student ID card and more often than not, the person has left it at home. When he/she is wearing the uniform, getting student discounts on coffees, fast food, and even travel will be a piece of cake. If someone asks for a student ID, simply do a twirl and show them your clothes as identity of being a student.
Difference between students and teachers
When I was teaching, it was often hard to differentiate between the throngs of students roaming through the college and the dozens of Teacher Assistants (TA) who had barely graduated a month ago. Sometimes I would invite a girl to grab coffee with me and only later on realise that she is a student and not a TA. Had the students been in uniform, this problem wouldn’t have taken place at all.
Appropriate dressing
As someone who has taught at two co-educational institutes, I have seen it all from plunging necklines to pants which disappear at the thigh to the I-am-not-sure-you-want-to-know. Though I don’t mind all the scenery, I think boys spend about 60 minutes every day just ogling their colleagues. That’s again a lot of time spent doing nothing. If this time was to be used on learning Maths, our country would be rich in engineers and mathematicians. Uniforms can maintain an equal standard of dressing for all students.
Benefits to the uniform industry
With the demand for uniforms increasing, to meet the supply requirements the industry would have to hire more employees. Thus, not only would this benefit the students but even the nation as a whole.
What’s the harm?
Lastly, my question is, why not just wear a uniform? Not wearing them is not making our students any smarter, sharper, or better! Then why not just wear them and make life easier for all?
Hence, with so many positives and useful reasons, I see no point as to why students should not wear uniforms.

Should students in universities wear uniforms?

Express Tribune Contribution.

Saturday, August 24, 2013


The Holy Qur'an does not prohibit Muslim women from wearing nail polish,but its because of the fact that ordinary nail polish are not permeable means they do not allow water to pass through the nail which is necessary condition for wudu.That is why majority Muslim women do not wear nail Polish just because they wont offer prayer in that case.The issue of wearing nail polish has been removed completely from the Muslim society.It is the blessing of INGLOT that they launch O2 nail polish which are breathable and water permeable,which means it allows water to pass through during (Wudu).Inglot has tested and certified this.These permeable nail polish has become very popular in United States and many Muslim countries.Now Muslim women feel free to wear nail polish and offer their prayers.Its has a wide range of colours for summers,winters,formal wears etc.The O2M line comes with a base coat and top coat. A bottle costs $17.Many people tested this nail polish and found that they are very light in weight to feel and watery.Imam Suhaib Webb recently made a fatwa making this new nail polish permissible for women to wear through wudu and prayer.
To check the permeability of this breathable Inglot nail polish following are some of the experiments performerd on coffee filter.And a video attached to clear any doubt.

Video Link:

We would like you to share your views regarding Inglot Breathable Nail Polish.

Friday, August 23, 2013


As we have already heard about this scheme that Shahbaz Sharif will be providing Scooties all over Punjab including the female students of Rawalpindi. The idea of receiving this gift is tempting and everybody wants to lay their hands on it and know what it would feel like to drive a scooty on the main road and pass by all cars and bikes and shops and see people staring in wonder. It must feel amazing for a girl because it might give them the sense of freedom and independence.
But the question that rises in minds of many Pakistani’s at this moment is whether our society would accept a young girl driving a scooty in the middle of the road with tons of cars, bikes and presence of men? It is quite debatable and there might be positive answers as well as negative answers because for parents their children’s protection is first and foremost requirement and giving away scooties for free and giving their daughters a chance to go out alone in the world and drive scooties could risk their lives, as our society does not consider that as a good option.
On the other hand it just might be a good initiative and most people would disagree but girls do face a lot of conveyance problems and some of the girls have parents who are always busy or don’t have drivers or any other means of transport and they miss out on important events. Wouldn’t it be good for them to have their own scooties and they could go anywhere they want without bothering their parents or anything? But it is just a matter of opinion. We live in a country and society where the protection for women is very important. But we just have to wait to see the result of this project whether it changes the society’s perception about things or whether it would just fail.

Author: Basmah Khan.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

DJ mMani & BADTAMEEZ!! OMG Really ????

Who is'nt familiar with the name mMani.Yes Dj mMani...A voice of young generation ruling the hearts of millions of people.Started his career as morning shows Radio Jokie (RJ) from Fm 101 and gradually moving to other channels.And then started working on Pakistan Television News (PTV) as an Anchor and presenter too in 2007 till date.


DJ mMani born on 3rd March 1985, has completed his initial education from his hometown Attock.A part from other talent/skills he has done well in his studies too and given outstanding results too.He has done Masters in Political science and in Business Administration and now doing M.Phil from Iqra University Islamabad.Hes very ambitious child and a very good student and very hard working professional.


Beside this he has got his passion in music too.Due to his magical voice he is a singer and a model.
He started off with his first song "NAATAY" ,"NAINA RY NAINA" "AB YAAD AO NAH" and more .

Fakeness Vs Popularity:
DJ mMani has a huge fan following.And due to this he has many haters too.They have made many fake pages and profiles on social media and trying to take advantage of his popularity.For a lay man he cant recognize whether its fake or real Dj mMani.His one and only fan profile is

Some of his taglines for which hes famous for are Haan Na ,Jeena Hai To Jaagna Hoga,O Pagal etc.

Badtameezi Story
He has done many shows on radio till late night.His famous show Jaago with mMani rule over the hearts of radio listeners.And which makes him the best Radio Presenter.Due to certain reasons and his busy schedule he stopped doing show.His fans got really depressed  that they put Jaago in the end of their name inorder to show love for him and his show.His female committed Jaago members are known as Jaagi.Link for his page is

Once again due to huge fan following and due to thousands of daily messages he is once again starting his new show named "THE BADTAMEEZ SHOW" on the airwaves of radio fm 97 every Friday and Saturday midnight(12am-2am).This show is not like a typical boring radio shows.Its unique and infotaining for all age groups.Its main tag line is
To jabtak typical keera mar nahe jaata "Thori Badtameezi he kar Li jaye"

Here is the Video (Promo) of his new show

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Unique Italian Resturant in Izloo ""SIENE RISTORANTE""

Siene Ristorante ,brings the taste of Italy to the heart of Islamabad.The main thing which attracts people are the Big Table Ships in this resturant placed in fresh water.It is located in sector F8/4  Islamabad.Apart from that it has many lounges including Cigar Lounge ,which is very comfortable  and one can freely read news paper and feel free and can enjoy Sheesha too.It has a Private Room too for the people who are reserved.From the food to the staff everything is just perfect.      

It serves the best pasta,for which it is famous for.

Its the best place for different celebrations and parties too.It provides best services with affordable prices.So what are you waiting for plan for tonight and take your loved ones along and enjoy the Italian mean in town.

For Reservations:
Phone # 051-2850948
Mobile # 0312-6660035 / 0347-5372772


                                                GRAZIE (THANKYOU IN ITALIAN)


Jinnah Park is located in the city of Rawalpindi, Pakistan. It is a beautiful place to spend time with family and enjoy the pleasant weather or watch a movie at Cinepax which is located inside the park and enjoy the yummy meals at McDonald’s as well. People from far flung areas visit this park on different occasions and add to the beauty of it. The park also contains a section with sitting and picnic spots for families which are made in a way that depicts the Pakistani culture. But the most significant thing about this park is that it is a perfect place for couples to meet up and have daylight romance and get their pictures taken together or spend quality time together without anyone knowing about it. You never know they might be making out under a tree but who are we to judge?  They are in love and if Jinnah Park is a perfect spot for them to give them a chance to see each other or hold each other hands, then that’s fine. The problem that this dating thing causes is that mostly the female students of Fatima Jinnah Women University who celebrate their birthdays and hang out with their friends in the park as it is the nearest hang out spot for the students are spotted there and some of them are also seen with their boyfriends. People observe and make judgments as dating a boy in a park is considered a very cheap act by some people. The rumors are spread and the reputation of an Educational Institute is jeopardized. But we cannot stop the lovers from meeting up or create any kind of distance between them. That would just be cruel. For now we can just write about it and if someone is sensible enough to understand will eventually stop, till then we can just enjoy their company at JINNAH PARK, RAWALPINDI.

Author : B.K 

Sunday, August 18, 2013


TWIN CITY CHAMPION LEAGUE 2013 is going to be held at Islamabad.Winner will get cast prize of Rs 35000 and 10,000 for Runner up and 5000 for highest scorer of the tournament.

Event Ticket:
Rs 5000

F6 Multipurpose Ground,Islamabad.

Date and Time:
23rd August 2013 at 05:00pm

Event Organizers/Registration:
Ahmed Saeed Butt
Ali Abbas Khan
Taha Bin Tahir
Bilal Nasir