Saturday, August 24, 2013


The Holy Qur'an does not prohibit Muslim women from wearing nail polish,but its because of the fact that ordinary nail polish are not permeable means they do not allow water to pass through the nail which is necessary condition for wudu.That is why majority Muslim women do not wear nail Polish just because they wont offer prayer in that case.The issue of wearing nail polish has been removed completely from the Muslim society.It is the blessing of INGLOT that they launch O2 nail polish which are breathable and water permeable,which means it allows water to pass through during (Wudu).Inglot has tested and certified this.These permeable nail polish has become very popular in United States and many Muslim countries.Now Muslim women feel free to wear nail polish and offer their prayers.Its has a wide range of colours for summers,winters,formal wears etc.The O2M line comes with a base coat and top coat. A bottle costs $17.Many people tested this nail polish and found that they are very light in weight to feel and watery.Imam Suhaib Webb recently made a fatwa making this new nail polish permissible for women to wear through wudu and prayer.
To check the permeability of this breathable Inglot nail polish following are some of the experiments performerd on coffee filter.And a video attached to clear any doubt.

Video Link:

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