Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Jinnah Park is located in the city of Rawalpindi, Pakistan. It is a beautiful place to spend time with family and enjoy the pleasant weather or watch a movie at Cinepax which is located inside the park and enjoy the yummy meals at McDonald’s as well. People from far flung areas visit this park on different occasions and add to the beauty of it. The park also contains a section with sitting and picnic spots for families which are made in a way that depicts the Pakistani culture. But the most significant thing about this park is that it is a perfect place for couples to meet up and have daylight romance and get their pictures taken together or spend quality time together without anyone knowing about it. You never know they might be making out under a tree but who are we to judge?  They are in love and if Jinnah Park is a perfect spot for them to give them a chance to see each other or hold each other hands, then that’s fine. The problem that this dating thing causes is that mostly the female students of Fatima Jinnah Women University who celebrate their birthdays and hang out with their friends in the park as it is the nearest hang out spot for the students are spotted there and some of them are also seen with their boyfriends. People observe and make judgments as dating a boy in a park is considered a very cheap act by some people. The rumors are spread and the reputation of an Educational Institute is jeopardized. But we cannot stop the lovers from meeting up or create any kind of distance between them. That would just be cruel. For now we can just write about it and if someone is sensible enough to understand will eventually stop, till then we can just enjoy their company at JINNAH PARK, RAWALPINDI.

Author : B.K 


  1. is it even sensible enough to directly accuse the students of some institute in your blog?
    After this, she will probably start taking the couple's pictures and posting them here?

    Bisma Khan needs to learn manners, the way to behave in a society and how to act like a responsible adult.

    secondly, its not only about a single institute, we can see many lawyers, medical students, doctors and other people working nearby.. do they all should be accused of dating? Such a Childish Blog and thinking.

    1. First of all I understand your opinion and I respect that. Secondly before telling me to learn manners try reading the note carefully and examine it and conclude as to why I made that point. I did not target all the students of FJ. I said SOME STUDENTS and it is a fact you cant deny it as it is evident so there is no point in telling me that I am accusing them.And bcz of these SOME STUDENTS the institute's reputation is harmed. So instead of telling me to act like a responsible adult, you better learn to understand people's opinions bcz I am taking the responsibility of saving an institute's reputation as it is far more important for me . Thanks for your comment though I appreciate it.

  2. Why are you targetting FJ GIRLS only..??? I think momo is right u should not mention institution name specifically.

    You said that "due to these SOME STUDENTS institution's reputation is harmed" but one thing i want to mention here that SOME IDIOTS like you are harming the institutions's reputation by mentioning the name of the institution.

    Be sensible and please try to use your mind if u have the one.

    1. Reality is reality.No one can deny.Jinnah Park is occupied by Fatmianz in the day time.And try to behave yourself,I can also use bad words for you but I wont because I belong to an institution which taught me how to communicate others,"this is what you have learned in your institution by using such cheap words.It represents your personality and your institution too.Mind it.
      And try to use your own name why are you scared haan ?? Red skirt and blue Skirt.I am not afraid

  3. Reality is reality.No one can deny.Jinnah Park is occupied by Fatmianz in the day time.And try to behave yourself,I can also use bad words for you but I wont because I belong to an institution which taught me how to communicate others,"this is what you have learned in your institution by using such cheap words.It represents your personality and your institution too.Mind it.
    And try to use your own name why are you scared haan ?? Red skirt and blue Skirt.I am not afraid

  4. Why have u posted the same comment twice lolzz..
    and we can see what ur institution has taught you..!!!!!!!!!!!!

    our uni has taught us everything except blaming others.... and as far as it seems to be,,, ur uni has taught you to just cheapness and misbehaving with others..

    one thing more,, u said i used bad words for u..???? lolzzzzz we can use even more for cheap people like you who really deserve it..!!!

    and yeahhhhh em not scared,, what can u do even if i use my own name here..??
    even u r not using ur real name :D :D you SUNNY KHAN or BUNNY KHAN...

    Well said before,,,,,,,,,, u all r really insensible,,,,, sweap before your own door first then give suggestions to others...

    insensible,, cheap,, and.................. people...

    1. Now happy??
      Thankyou for such a nice lecture tata

    2. Your are pathetic plz leave this post. We dont need your opinion. Enoy your life RED SKIRT!!!

  5. For God sake don't start fighting and take things positively.....Why everyone starts thinking negatively....Be a girl not fighter....Everyone has its own opinion so don't start criticizing and accept the opinion of everyone positively.....

    Imran Sarwar,
    CR & LG M.

  6. Yes u are right there still does exist a decent, civilized and dignified manner with which one can voice their opinion.
